May 1, 2015

I Thought You Quit Smoking

My Dad used to smoke… a lot. Growing up I remember Dad always having a cigarette, pipe, or cigar in his hand. Back then it was not known how bad smoking was for your health, it was just cool …and addicting. Dad tried a few times to quit, and when I was in high school he finally quite …completely.

When I was out of school for the summer or a holiday I would sometimes travel with Dad while he worked. I remember one time in particular traveling with him. As we drove along we past under a bridge, and Dad said “That’s where I threw out my last cigarette.” Several months earlier, that was the point where he finally decided to quit smoking. It was a big, memorable moment to him. That bridge became a landmark for him representing when he “turned his life around.” I have the same landmark representing a big, memorable moment. It was when I decided to turn my life around and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Yeah, kind of a big deal.J

But I remember Dad did not completely quit smoking right away. Every now and then he would smoke. Usually it was a cigar which was not supposed to be as bad for you. He would do it outside. He was not trying to hide it because Mom knew and I knew too. He was doing it so we would not have to smell it. I remember one time walking out the garage to the driveway and finding him smoking a cigar, and I joked with him saying, “I thought you had quit?” He said he had quit the BAD cigarettes butt the cigar was not as bad for him, and it was helping him build up strength to completely quit (Isaiah 40:30, “Even youths get tired and weary; even strong young men clumsily stumble.”). It did not take too long before Dad did quit completely, including cigars. It was not easy for him to quit the addiction, but he did.

We’re all born sinners (Psalm 51:5, “Look, I was guilty of sin from birth, a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.”) and have an addictive life before we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior (Rom. 3:23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”). I was in college when I became a believer. It was in March of 1985, and I’ll never forget the moment. It was not under a bridge, but on my bed in my dorm room. Before that moment I was living with some bad habits, but those bad habits did not disappear when I became a believer. It actually took some time before I was convicted enough and strong enough to quit those habits.

We have to show some grace to believers who are still “addicted to some bad habits.” It takes some believers longer to get strong enough to break the addiction, and we can help them by loving, supporting, and encouraging them even when they are still “smoking” (Job 4:4, “Your words have supported those who stumbled, and you have strengthened the knees that gave way.”).

Love Ya,

April 24, 2015

God and Blue Bell Ice Cream

I’m sure you've heard by now that Blue Bell ice cream was pulled from all grocery stores and production is shut down because of the contamination with Listeria. “Listeria is the name of a bacteria found in soil and water and some animals, including poultry and cattle. It can be present in raw milk and foods made from raw milk. It can also live in food processing plants...”1. The symptoms include “fever, stiff neck, confusion, weakness, vomiting, and sometimes preceded by diarrhea”2 and you can die from it. It’s tragic for Blue Bell and those individuals who contracted the Listeria disease, and a huge concern and disappointment for those of us who love Blue Bell ice scream. It created a huge panic and rightly so, but I didn’t respond by saying I will never buy Blue Bell again. No, I can’t wait for them to fix the issue and make more Blue Bell ice cream. Sure, there’s other ice creams out there and some of them are really good, but they’re just not Blue Bell.

This is like our relationship with God. We contaminate ourselves with sin, but God doesn’t say “Ewwww, I won’t have anything to do with him”. No, He can’t wait for me to “fix” my issue and find my way back to Him (Matt. 28:20 “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”). In fact, He doesn’t even wait, but guides me in “fixing” the issue and back to him (John 16:13, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will quide you into all truth...”). And sure, there’s other gods out there, but they’re just not The God (1Ch. 16:25, “For the Lord is great and certainly worthy of praise, He is more awesome than all gods.”).

 God is better and sweeter than Blue Bell ice cream …and that’s saying a lot ;) (Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!”).

Love Ya,


March 11, 2015

Hold My Hand

When you were young you and I held hands a lot, especially when you started walking. I held your hand to keep you steady, and you wanted to hold my hand to give you security. You trusted me and knew I would never let go. As you grew you and I continued to hold hands when walking. If you stumbled I held onto your hand to keep you from falling and hurting yourself. You grabbed really tight onto my hand and waited as I lifted you back up to your feet. I never let go (Psalm 37:24, “Even if he trips, he will not fall headlong, for the Lord holds his hand.”). As you continued to grow sometimes you wanted to go in a different direction and pulled on my hand. If I knew it was the wrong direction I held onto your hand and steered you back in the right direction. I never let go. As you continued to grow sometimes you yanked your hand out of my hand so you could go in the wrong direction. I caught you, took your hand, and steered you back in the right direction. I never let go (Psalm 139:10, “even there your hand would guide me, your right hand would grab hold of me.”). As you continued to grow eventually you stopped holding my hand. I’m not sure when it happened, but one day I looked down at my hand and it was empty. Sometimes you still wanted to go in the wrong direction and I had to figure out a way to help steer you back in the right direction without taking hold of your hand. I never let go. As you become an adult I hold onto to your hand by praying for you. The next time you feel lead to “change directions” maybe it is The Lord answering my prayer and holding your hand.

I never let go …and I never will
(Psalm 73:23, “But I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.”).

Love Ya,

Isaiah 41:10, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you! Don’t be frightened, for I am your God!
I strengthen you –
yes, I help you –
yes, I uphold you with my saving right hand!