August 27, 2013

The Dream

I had a really weird dream that made no sense.

I was with a group of people in our bedroom, and it was very chaotic. Lisa was with me but I didn’t recognize anyone else, but evidently I knew them in my dream. We were preparing for a very important person to show up, but at the time I didn’t know who it was. I knew he would be walking to our place, which was out in the countryside.

A friend of mine (who in real life I only keep in touch with through Facebook, and is not a Christian) called me. He and I were supposed to meet our important guest out in the yard as he walked up. My friend was calling to tell me he was delayed and could not be with me to greet our guest. I was very disappointed he would not be there. While I was on the phone, Ms. Kitty (yes, for some reason she was still alive in my dream) pooped on the carpet. Lisa made an exclamation then picked up the poop with her BARE hands, and it did not seem to bother her (sorry to gross you out). At this time when everything was chaotic and I was not ready to go out and meet our guest, our very important guest walked into the bedroom. It was Jesus Christ. I realized I knew all along whom our very important guest was going to be, and now he had arrived unexpectedly, early (1 Thess. 5:2, “For you know quite well that the day of the Lord will come in the same way as a thief in the night). He wore jeans, a t-shirt, and glasses. I could not see his facial features, for some reason they were blurry to me, but he looked like just an average guy. I told my friend on the phone he was here and that I needed to hang up. He said he understood and sorry he could not be there. I hung up and stepped into the bathroom to let Lisa know He was here. She made another exclamation and said “Oh no. He’s early.” I said I know and took the poop (with MY bare hands) from her hand so she could go out and greet Him. I threw it away and then stepped back into the room (without washing my hands) for my turn to greet Jesus Christ. I did not know what to do. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do or how to greet The King. I finally shook hands with him and said “Welcome.” What a goober I can be (Funny, my hands were clean, no poop). I then knew what I was supposed to do. I lowered my head, closed my eyes, and cried for all my sins and shame, and said “Sorry.” Then I knew He was smiling and I suddenly knew I was supposed to be filled with joy. I FELT my whole body filled with an inexpressible joy and started laughing from all the joy. I opened my eyes and He was beaming with a smile at my joy. We started to walk out of the room and I stopped and asked Him if I could hug Him. He said “Yes.” I stepped to Him and wrapped my arms around Him and hugged Him tightly. He returned my hug with strong, protective arms. I could not stop hugging Him. I did not want to stop hugging Him, and saying “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

I woke up while I was hugging him. I thought what a cool way to end the dream, but what a weird dream. I asked myself several questions. Why did I dream THAT? Why did it take place in our bedroom? Why did my friend, who I have not talked to in several years, be the one to call me? Why was it he who was supposed to be with me to greet Jesus Christ and not one of my really close friends who are believers? Why was I so disappointed he would not be there? Why could he not make it to meet our very important guest? Why did Ms. Kitty poop on the carpet and at such an important time? Why did Lisa pick up the poop with her BARE hands? Why did I take the poop from her with MY bare hands? WHY did I dream THAT?

As I pondered these questions a few answers started to surface in my mind. My friend is not a Christian, and therefore meeting Jesus Christ was not important to him. I wanted him with me to meet Jesus Christ so he could believe. He was delayed in the dream, because in real life he has not accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and does not want to. My really close friends actually, everyone I know who is a Christian, were there in the room. I just did not realize it because I was focused on my non-believing friend. Ms. Kitty pooped so Lisa would have to clean up the poop/junk/trash/sin. She did it with her BARE hands because she (and all of us) is dirty with sin (Rom. 3:23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”), and sometimes our nasty sin does not bother us. Instead of having Lisa just throw away the poop, I took it from her with MY bare hands because I am just as dirty with sin, but in the presence of Jesus Christ we were clean (John 15:3, “You are clean already because of the word I have spoken to you.”). It took place in our bedroom because the bedroom is a very intimate place, where we can tell secrets, hide things, keep others out, show our emotions, and feel alone. It’s the one room when guests come over that you close the door because you threw all the stuff in there and it’s unclean, and you can keep guests out of your bedroom (Psalm 44:21, “would not God discover it, for He knows one’s thoughts.”). Yet, Jesus Christ walked right into our bedroom, and was not embarrassed, horrified, or angry by what he saw…

…He just smiled!

I know why I dreamed THIS dream.

Love ya,

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