May 6, 2013

Go Ahead …Jump In

Close your eyes and imagine …oh wait, you need your eyes open to continue reading this. So, keep your eyes open and imagine yourself standing on a dock at a beautiful lake. There is a slight breeze, but it’s warm. You can hear the pine trees rustling with the breeze behind you on the shore. In the distance you hear the beautiful song of a bird calling. The sun is midway in the vibrant, blue sky and reflecting on the fairly calm lake in front of you.

You have never been to this lake or stood on this dock. It belongs to a friend of yours who is standing on the dock with you. You are really hot and want to jump off the dock into the cool, refreshing water, but the water is dark and you cannot see below the surface. What do you do? Do you go ahead and jump in without knowing what lies just below the surface? What if there are some rocks hidden a couple of feet below the surface? What if there are “critters” known to hang out under the dock and they make it unsafe? What do you do? Ask your friend if it is safe? Of course you would, that makes so much sense. It is a lot safer to seek advice about your decision from someone who knows if anything lies hidden. Everyone would agree that it would be dangerous and foolish to jump in without seeking advice about what dangers lie below …and yet we do this all the time.

We make decisions and jump into circumstances without going to The Lord in prayer and seeking His advice about things unseen (Jer. 42:3, Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do.), or asking someone else who might have good advice (Prov. 4:1, Listen, children, to a father’s instruction, and pay attention so that you may gain discernment.). Dear Lord is this a good decision? Is this what you want me to do? (1 Thess. 5:17, constantly pray,)

Jer. 29:12
James 1:5
2 Cor. 20:3

Love You,

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