September 13, 2013

King Richard III

King Richard III, the last king of The House of York in England, ruled for only 2 years, 1483 - 1485. Henry Tudor of Lancaster thought he should be king, so he and his followers went to battle against King Richard III in the War of Roses. King Richard III was killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field, ending his reign, and beginning King Henry VII’s reign.

So how does this make you feel about King Richard III and King Henry VII? You feel kind of sorry for King Richard III dying just because King Henry VI wanted to take his crown. Things are not always as they seem. Do not jump to conclusions and make rash judgments of people. King Richard III had 2 nephews who had a claim to the throne, but they mysteriously disappeared from the Tower of London shortly before Richard became king convenient. It is believed that Richard had them murdered so they would not be in the way of his crown.

We are good ...really good at making quick, rash, and often wrong judgments of people. We need to slow down, and get all the facts. In other words when we meet someone new we need to get to know them before we make a judgment about them (John 7:24, “Do not judge according to external appearance, but judge with proper judgment.”). We also need to find out the facts for ourselves instead of taking gossip for the truth, or what other people's opinion is about someone (Luke 6:37, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.”).

Love Ya,

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