September 27, 2013

Pump You Up

Madison listens to music before a game to pump her up. She likes to put on her headphones and listen to it by herself. It is not for anyone else in the car to listen to, or join in. It is all for her, and helps get her ready for a game. It helps her put her mind in game mode and focus on the upcoming match. This is very common, a lot of athletes do this before a game.

Praise music at the beginning of a Worship service can serve to “pump us up.”

Madison has particular songs that she likes to listen to. These particular songs really pump her up. There are certain praise songs that touch my heart more than others …they “pump” my heart up for worship. 10,000 Reasons is one of those songs. Every time I see it displayed on the screen as the song we will sing next a smile comes to my face because it means so much to me and I really worship The Lord when I sing it (Psalm 30:12, “So now my heart will sing to You and not be silent; O Lord my God, I will always give thanks to you.”).

Next time you are in church and the music starts to play, let the songs pump you up for worship and let your heart really worship the King (Psalm 100:2, “Worship the Lord with joy! Enter his presence with joyful singing.”).

Act 16:25, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the rest of the prisoners were listening to them.”

Love Ya,

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