August 29, 2014

Find Your Target

I started playing baseball at age 8, and was a pretty good player. Unfortunately, by the time I was 10, I was average with the rest of the guys my age. One of my problems was sometimes I wouldn’t think quick enough to make a play. When I was 10 and playing second base in a game, a high pop fly was hit to me. As it streaked a mile into the sky and then started arcing down towards me, I remember thinking, “Don’t drop it. Don’t drop it. Don’t drop it…” over and over as it was coming down. Yes! I caught it. I was really proud of myself. Everyone was yelling praises at me. My coach was jumping up and down yelling how great I was. I'll probably get a trophy for such an incredible catch ...Oh wait, they weren't yelling praises at me, they were yelling, "Throw it!." The runner on first wasn’t exactly the best player either because he had started to run instead of stay on base and wait to see if I caught it. My coach was yelling, “Throw it to first base and get him out!” That's when I looked and saw the back of the runner and thought, “Oh yeah! I can get a double play!” One problem. The runner was in between me and the first baseman. What I was supposed to do was take a quick step to my right so I could see the first baseman and throw. But I panicked! With everyone yelling “Throw it!” I just stared at the back of the runner and threw the ball. Yup, you guessed it, I hit the runner in the back. That’ll teach him to not get in MY way. How embarrassing. What’s that saying? “Pride cometh before the fall? Yeah, that’s the one :/ I just needed to stay calm, take a step, focus on my target, and throw.

You’re going to have many situations in your life that will make you panic (Psalm 55:5, “Fear and panic overpower me, terror overwhelms me.”). Just remember: stay calm, take a step, and focus on your target (Psalm 145:5, “I will focus on your honor and majestic splendor, and your amazing deeds.”). Once you do this, the Lord will help you see the issue is smaller than you thought, and there is a way around it.

Love Ya,

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