August 12, 2014

It's Chandler's Turn

In two days we leave to take Chandler to college. It’s going to be really hard for us and we’ll miss him immensely, but Chandler is getting ready to start the next chapter of his life, The Pursuit of Higher Knowledge, or as you know it the fun college years J.

I wanted to give him something to mark the occasion and hopefully help him remember us back home missing him. A Dad is always wanting to give things to his children, whether it’s love, food, gifts, time, a stern lecture (ha, ha), or knowledge. Second to love, one of the things a Dad wants most to give his children that they can have forever is wisdom. That’s one of the reasons I started these devotionals. Solomon did it when he wrote Proverbs (Prov. 5:1, “My child, be attentive to my wisdom, pay close attention to my understanding,”). Knowledge is different from wisdom. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don’t have the wisdom to use that knowledge wisely then it does you no good. The Bible mentions wisdom 65 more times than knowledge …hmmm, I wonder why. It’s kind of like in the movie “Aladdin” when Jafar wants to be and becomes the most powerful genie in the world, but Aladdin reminds him that he has all the cosmic power in the universe, but a itty, bitty living space, and Jafar is confined to the lamp …for 10,000 years …bummer.

Prov. 22:6, "Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." This is not just about your spiritual walk, but also how you should live and treat others …it’s about wisdom and integrity. I want to give wisdom to Chandler as he embarks on his college career, to Chelsea as she travels abroad to study, and to Madison as she becomes a self-sufficient driver (and only child at home). I hope you will allow The Lord to bless each of you through me and your mother as we all travel down these roads together.

Psalm 127:3-4, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are the children born in one’s youth. (NIV)

Love Ya (And will miss Ya),

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